2019 Posts And Recaps

2019 Review

Wow, I can’t believe another year has passed. As I’ve gotten older, time moves a lot quicker. 2019 has been a great year financially speaking, especially in the US. The S&P 500 returned 31.5% including dividends. All the major US stock indices reached record highs in 2019 including the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and the aforementioned … Read more

One Way Warren Buffett Got Rich And How You Can Apply It To Your Financial Situation As Well

Warren Buffett Secret To Success

How did Warren Buffett achieve his great wealth? One of the tricks he employed was the mastery of “using other people’s money.”  He did this in a couple of ways. First, he started an investment vehicle with limited partners as investors in the vehicle.  Armed with cash from other people, he was able to go … Read more

Are You Struggling To Achieve Your Financial Goals? Here Are Ways To Stack Success In Your Favor!

Success Ahead

Some goals are easy to achieve while other goals are quite challenging. I’ve experienced successes and failures many times over many things. Fortunately for me, I believe I’ve had more successes on the personal finance front than failures. But are you struggling to achieve your financial goals? If yes, how do you “right the ship” … Read more

Doing This One Thing During Your First 3 Years At Work Can Lead To Millions

Save Money By Living At Home

I spent the first 3 years of my work life after college living at home with my parents. Fortunate for me, my parents live in New York City, the financial hub of the world. As someone who works in finance, New York City offered me a tremendous amount of opportunities. Therefore, after college, I decided … Read more

5 Ways To Acquire Real Estate For Less Than Market Value

Bargain Pricing In Real Estate

By now you should know that I’m a big fan of real estate, especially residential rental properties. I believe firmly real estate should be the cornerstone of your investment portfolio. There are many benefits to owning investment properties despite hidden expenses no one tells you about. Those benefits include the ability to use leverage, appreciation … Read more

College Should Only Be A Financial Decision – Don’t Get Crippled Under Student Debt For Nothing

Is College Worth The Cost

Nowadays, it is hard to go a week in visiting personal finance news magazine websites without seeing a story about the impact of student loan on the borrower. Research has shown that student debt has very negative effects on the US economy and life in general. Those negative effects include: Delaying marriage and delaying the … Read more